• 366 reviews
Highlight This: finds and marks words
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Highlight This: finds and marks words
Highlight This: finds and marks words

A Useful Chrome Extension for Automatic Word and Phrase Highlighting

If you're an avid reader or researcher, you know how frustrating it can be to manually search for specific words or phrases on a web page. However, with the help of a handy Chrome extension, this process can be streamlined and made much more efficient. One such extension, with a total rating of 3.9 out of 5, automatically finds and highlights words and phrases on a web page based on your specified list.

Effortlessly Locate Keywords

This Chrome extension takes the hassle out of searching for specific words or phrases on a web page. Whether you're studying, doing research, or simply browsing the internet, this tool can save you valuable time and effort. By creating a list of keywords or phrases, the extension scans the entire page and highlights every instance of those words or phrases. This feature allows you to quickly locate and focus on the information you're looking for.

Enhance Your Reading Experience

With the ability to automatically find and highlight words and phrases, this Chrome extension significantly enhances your overall reading experience. Instead of manually scanning through paragraphs of text, you can easily identify and comprehend the most relevant information. By eliminating the need for manual searches, you can concentrate on absorbing the content without any distractions.

Personalize Your List

This extension allows you to personalize your list of keywords and phrases. You have the freedom to add or remove words as needed, ensuring that the extension caters to your specific interests and requirements. Whether you're studying for an exam, conducting research for a project, or simply want to stay updated on a particular topic, this customizable feature allows you to tailor the extension to your needs.

Stay Engaged with Varied Content Types

This Chrome extension is not limited to highlighting words and phrases in plain text. It is also capable of detecting and highlighting keywords within images, videos, and other multimedia content. This versatility ensures that you don't miss out on any relevant information, regardless of the format in which it is presented.

Improve Your Productivity

By automating the process of finding and highlighting words and phrases, this Chrome extension significantly boosts your productivity. Instead of spending valuable time manually searching for specific information, you can quickly locate and absorb the content you need. This enhanced efficiency allows you to focus on other important tasks, ultimately saving you time and energy.


In summary, this Chrome extension is a valuable tool for anyone who frequently reads, researches, or consumes online content. With its automatic word and phrase highlighting feature, customizable keyword list, and compatibility with various content types, it streamlines the process of locating and absorbing information. With a total rating of 3.9 out of 5, this extension has already garnered positive user reviews, making it a reliable and effective tool for enhancing your browsing experience.

Effortlessly highlights specific words and phrases on web pages.

Saves time by automatically finding and highlighting targeted content.

Allows for easy customization of the word or phrase list.

May highlight irrelevant content if the list is not properly curated.

May slow down the performance of the web browser.

366 reviews
13 Reviews For This Extension

wish one day we could use the Alipay to subscribe it

Jesse Zabkar

Used it for months and loved it, but for the most part it's stopped working. Would happily give 4/5 stars if it worked more consistently.

Christopher Mendoza

Worked great for a while, but now it doesn't work on Chrome. I use it everyday and now have to use it on Edge web browser

Yipka Darki

Bought licence key because this is the best Extension that I saw from dozens! There was some delay with receiving my licence key, but I received it the same day directly from admin to my email! After it we talked with the admin and I asked to make new highlights in INPUT FIELDS! And Wim made it, incredible! Now I'm a happy fan of HighlightThis Extension!

Company Name

Beautiful update!!! I liked the function and now the new UI makes it more appealing to eye. Thank you

Adrian Head

Used to be great but now I constantly get unresponsive pages.

1900 Half

In Setting-General, write a certain URL (also using wildcards), hoping to disable all highlighting on this web page, but the result is that the web page will still be highlighted. If you write and change the URLs one by one in the detailed settings of each highlighted item, you can disable highlighting. However, there are more than 10 highlighted lists in my list, and it is troublesome to click and set them one by one. I hope the developers can improve the setting function of globally disabling highlighting on a certain web page.

artur artur

i created 3 words in the list when i open a page, the icon shows 3 words detected but it highlights only the 1st word from the list, word #2 & #3 from the list are not highlighted and if i switch !1 word and #3 word, or #1 and #2 the word that now takes place as #1 word is now highlighted, and #2 and #3 loses the highlight despite being highlted 2 seconds ago as #1 word. what a drama

Ri x

Not working

Taylor Goddard

This is an amazing extension, one of the best I've ever used. I believe adding an "Exclusion of Word Combinations" feature would take this extension to the next level. Let me give an example to clarify. Example: Lets say I want to highlight the words "Address", "City" and "State". On the same page however, those same words are included in "Mailing Address", "Mailing City" and "Mailing State" but I do not wish for those to be highlighted. It would be amazing to have and exclusion list where I could add those word combinations to not be highlighted. I would most certainly return to this review and change it to 5 stars if this feature was added.


The backup feature is just broken and doesn't work. Using this on the latest Vivaldi browser (which is Chromium based) and it just doesn't backup the settings to my Downloads folder, or to any folder (I monitored the process using Process Monitor from Microsoft sysinternals). I also tried doing a backup from here (chrome-extension://fgmbnmjmbjenlhbefngfibmjkpbcljaj/v3migration.html) and it didn't do anything. My downloads folder is not in the typical C:\Users\.... path. It's redirected to D:\ drive and the redirection is simply using the properties of the Downloads folder and adjusting the Location to D:\Downloads. I don't know whether this extension has a problem recognizing redirected folders, but none of the other browser extensions, nor the other Windows apps that I use, have any problems. UPDATE: Fixed the bug using ChatGPT. Update this function "downloadObjectAsJson" to this: function downloadObjectAsJson(exportObj, exportName, callback) { var jsonData = JSON.stringify(exportObj); var blob = new Blob([jsonData], { type: 'application/json' }); var url = URL.createObjectURL(blob); chrome.downloads.download({ url: url, filename: exportName + '.json' }, function(downloadId) { if(chrome.runtime.lastError) { console.error(chrome.runtime.lastError); } else { notify.backupCompleted(); callback(); } }); } and make sure the manifest has the downloads permission, like this: "permissions": ["tabs","contextMenus","notifications","alarms","storage","offscreen","downloads"], OR, just download my modified extension below and sideload this into any Chromium based browsers. Make sure to delete the original extension before you sideload this one. I've included the fix for the issue above, as well as increased the subscription trial to 99999 days: https://imgur.com/NIoTmpY https://fastupload.io/DZfhQDiBcJvSNZv/file

Stephanie McKenzie

Would be fantastic if not for the force open changelog in a new tab, and that tab has a bunch of third party advertising cookies that aren't easy to opt out of. It's just so unnecessary, include the change log in the app in an about tab or something. I appreciate the developer and the hard work he's put in, I just wish it didn't bug me every time it updates. There's no way to opt out of it.

Phúc Nguyễn

a lot of bugs.

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